Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Can Type!

Hello to all! It's Joan this time.
Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, and good wishes. I can't tell you how much it has meant to both of us.
Today is the first day that I've felt like myself. I felt good enough to put on real, going-out clothes, do my hair and make-up (which only covers so much now - my corneas are bloody so I look like Peter Cushing's vampire movies), and go out with John to do some shopping in Topeka and at WalMart. After we got home I did some housework then took a long nap. I've done more today that I have the last two weeks put together, so I guess the nap was in order. Today is the first time that a messy house has bothered me; that's a very good sign for the anal-retentive!
I can't believe it's been two weeks since I left for a dentist appointment. It seems like only a few days, and my memory is very spotty. I remember driving through downtown on May 31st, then I remember Jim and Audora Burg walking into my room at Parkview on the afternoon of June 1st. After I got home on June 2nd I remember pieces of days. Full memory kicked in last Sunday afternoon. I've now gone a whole day without saying the same thing twice to John!
As far as how I feel: The clavicle is still broken, but it feels much better since I got the splint. I'm only taking pain medicine at bedtime (sleeping on my right side all night gets uncomfortable). The brain injury is healing well. I had no dizziness or nausea today until this evening, and my right ear hasn't rung all day. Sunday I was able to knit socks with cables, and last night I was able to read Psalms. And I think I'm typing coherently, but you folks will determine that!
I'm so grateful to John for all he's done - keeping all of you posted, being patient with me when I said the same things over and over, taking care of the house and the dog, and generally looking after a wife that's more mentally incompetent than usual. These two weeks were his vacation; he didn't have any fun this year, poor man. I'm grateful to all of you, for the email, cards, calls, visits, food, and many other ways you've showed so much kindness. And I'm grateful to be alive, not in a vegetative state, and in one (though multi-colored) piece! The clavicle should heal without surgery, and I have a good chance of returning to my former mental state with no loss of function. And somewhere around Thanksgiving my corneas will look normal and I won't scare small children - hey, I just thought about the Halloween possibilities . . .
I will be limited for several more weeks. John will have to drive me, so on days that he works my range will be as far as my feet can get me; but here in Topeka, that covers all the necessities. I'll see Dr. Englert (neuro) next week, and will have to be cleared by him to drive. But I'll be in the sling until I see Dr. Caruso (family practice) in 3 weeks and get my clavicle X-rayed again, and he clears me also. Then after I can drive we'll go looking for another car. Tomorrow I'll start walking Jethro again and slowly begin to get back in shape. I guess we're having an unusual summer!
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading all of it! We'll keep you updated, but won't clutter your inboxes every day unless there is something happening. Blessings to all of you!

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