Saturday, June 18, 2011

Road Trip - A Knitting Shop

Good early-Sunday-morning to all!
I'm making slow but steady progress. Yesterday I finally made it to that dentist appointment that I was on the way to on May 31st. I and my colorful bruises were of great interest to all. I was feeling good enough to want to go have some fun, so John & I went on up to Holland, MI, to my favorite knitting shop, and spent about an hour, where again I had to explain just what I'd done to make myself look like that. (You may be knitting too much when: you're known by name and knitting projects in more than 4 knitting shops.) I'm making socks as gifts to the 2 first responders that saved my life; I have Kim's almost finished, and at Lizzie Ann's I found some very manly yarn for the socks for John (the EMT, not my John). And I bought some other yarn just because I fell in love with in in October and it's been discontinued; I will find something perfect to do with it. It may turn into a cowl.
So today I slept late and woke up really sore, which was made much worse by the shower. So I took it easy today - simple meals, 2 loads of laundry, watering plants, puzzle therapy (also slowly improving), and of course knitting. John is off tomorrow and can drive me, so we may see some of you at church, but this time it depends more on him that on me - he has bronchitis and may not feel up to it. We'll work that out as we go.
Monday I will see the neurologist for the first time, and get assessed by him. (I've seen him lots of times, but never yet as the patient.) I don’t know what to expect as to driving restrictions, but it's pretty moot until the sling comes off in 2 1/2 weeks.
To sum up: My head is better - puzzles are slowing getting better, I'm not dizzy until evening, no ringing in ears, short-term memory almost back to normal, interpersonal skills almost normal (I.e. the dentist's office and the yarn store.) Shoulder is healing but has some way to go. Pain in collar bone area, neck, left upper arm, right lower arm, sternum (breast bone) very sore and tender, various bruises and hematomas in a variety of stages and colors. Not needing any pain medicine except at bedtime.
I'm in very good shape for the shape I'm in. (And I should know - I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.) Feeling grateful, feeling under God's care. Beginning to feel ready for social activity. And badly in need of a haircut.
Have a good Sunday, y'all!

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